XiaoYing 小影 free video editor, a easy way to make a professional video. To try this video maker, follow us to begin XiaoYing App download , create videos easily~
XiaoYing App Download
XiaoYing , called 小影 in Chinese, and it is named VivaVideo for the international version.
In this article, we will introduce how to download XiaoYing for Android and iOS.
- XiaoYing for Android
- XiaoYing for iOS
How to download XiaoYing App ?
Android 1 Google Play
Google Play : VivaVideo
▼ Readers using Android phone or tablet can find VivaVideo App on the Google Play Store.
Search vivavideo on the store or open the link to Install this video editor.
Can’t get it on the Play Store?
Please visit Tencent Appstore to get APK.
Android 2 Tencent Appstore
Tencent Appstore : 小影
▼ XiaoYing APK is available on the Tencent Appstore.
Open the link, tap 其他下载方式 Other download methods ( or 通過第三方瀏覽器下載).
确定 Confirm that you get it through your browser, and the download will begin.
Note 1 : Can’t download it? Please try a different browser.
Note 2 : On desktop site? Please switch to mobile screen in your web browser.
How to get XiaoYing App ?
iOS 1 App Store (overseas)
App Store : VivaVideo
▼ Readers having iPhone or iPad can find VivaVideo on the App Store from outside of China.
Search vivavideo on the store or open the link, and tap GET to install it.
iOS 2 App Store (China) I
Can’t find it from your Country or Area?
Visit the the Chinese App Store (Mainland China) to get it.
▼ Refer Sign up for a China Apple ID to register for a new ID,
and change the Country of your App Store.
iOS 2 App Store (China) II GET
App Store : VivaVideo
▼ Enter the China App Store successfully,
and you can search vivavideo or open the link above to GET this video maker.
These are how we download XiaoYing app, if it works on you, please share this with your friends , Thanks.
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